DeadlyTrade for 3.12 Heist Hotfix - Stash Tab Grid (2020.11.23)
(2021.06.16 03:01 Local time in Korea.)
I want to say something about my add-on's update status & new version release plan.
- * TL;DR; I'm making new add-on DeadlyEFTHelper and it's almost finished. and it will be integration with DeadlyTrade. - First of all, I will being by let you know about why add-on was not updated. I had to pull my thought together for keep continue doing this hobby. Actually I didn't spend my personal time to making add-on as I before. because I want to take some break at personal time and I thought that is help for keep continuing share my programs. Honestly break time was affected by some aggressive user's ugly huge amount of request and useless meaningless complaints that has been until now. In my opinion & experience it's complicate that keep balance continuing between work and hobby. but I will continue maintenance add-ons and making fan game even if there exist aggressive users. And I wish make new features that users' most request with priority if I can afford to. The last thing I want to inform is I'm making new add-on DeadlyEFTHelper and it's almost finished. and it will be integration with DeadlyTrade. I'll let you know progress about my plans mentioned above. Really appreciate for your patience. have a great day and stay healthy. as you know health is most important. FYI > As some users and friends knows, I'm working & manage project at home sometimes especially in this pandemic situation. Also I make several game's add-on and fan game in my personal time, So internet status is very important to me. My internet provider kt was struggled to fix with irregular connection & speed state from a few weeks ago until today. So today they changed entire environment including kt modem, route seed and the other stuff on their services. I expect this stable connection & speed keep going on but who knows. DeadlyTrade Discord Link : - 2021.06.16 03:01 Local time in Korea. DeadlyTrade for 3.12 Heist Hotfix - Stash Tab Grid Released. DeadlyTrade Hotfix ㅇ Updated - Modified : Grid auto-calculation formula for displaying in Stash by user screen resolution has been modified. - Added : Top panel has been added to adjust position of Grid if it is not fit your display, depending on your settings or screen resolution. - Added : Check box has been added to Find by position function to check whether or not indicated Statsh is in the folder. - Added : Check box has been added to trade notification panel check whether or not indicated Statsh is in the folder. - Notice : Item name pate at find input field when you click the item name in the grid that appears from Trade notification panel. - Modified : Now dispaly recv/snd time 00h:00m:00s format in Trade notification panel is displayed. - Fixed : Exalted value is not diplayed has been modified in the Trade notification panel when large amount of chaos value. ㅇ MISC. - Guide videos added unedited. - In the future, I will edit it and add it if possible, and upload any guide video clips that may be helpful even if not edited. - Also, if you hard to find usage or problems which is difficult to find, please ask questions through each contact below description. - But, inform you that DeadlyTrade discord is main channel for contact. Thank you. Stay heathly and have a great day. Previous comment.
I decided temporarily deploy local version, because I think it is wrong to keep waiting users during troubleshooting about abnormal traffic problem on my private server that I informed.
This temporary version is not using update server because it is a local version. Therefore, you can choose download which is only update files or full version of from link below. I'll let you know as situation progresses and changes about update server abnormal traffic issue. [KOREAN]
데들리트레이드 for 3.12 Heist 임시 로컬 버전.
안내드렸던 개인 서버의 비정상 트래픽 문제로 인해서, 문제 해결 동안 기다리시게 하는 것이 옳지 않다는 판단하에 임시로 로컬 버전을 배포합니다. 로컬 버전이므로 업데이트 서버는 거치지 않습니다. 따라서 아래의 링크에서 업데이트 파일만을 받아서 기존의 폴더에 덮어쓰시거나 전체 버전을 새로 받으시면 됩니다. 서버 문제는 상황의 진행과 변화에 따라 안내드리겠습니다. ▶ Download Full Version (Temp. Local ver.) - Update files (Temp. Local ver.) - About Update Server - 2020.10.17 13:22 Local time in Korea I'm planning to add a spare private server in addition to current suspended update server. Actually update server has many roles including update information ,service data and etc. So, I will resume current private update server and add additional private spare server at the same time when I release new version of DeadlyTrade overhaul. I confirmed that traffic growing extremely than expected occur during update. Therefore, I decided to prevent issue that may occur when update release through the above actions. Thank you for your support and encouragement Exile~! I received received CASE OPEN for abnormal traffic form my private server service. Due to abnormal traffic, my update server for DeadlyTrade has been suspended and will be resume after abnormal traffic cause has been cleared. I'm communicating and discuss about this CASE with server companies. If traffic problem persists, I will use another my private spare server service. I'll let you know as situation progresses and changes. You can get information faster at DeadlyTrade Discord [KOREAN]
개인 서버를 통한 업데이트에서 트래픽 이상에 대한 사건-CASE OPEN을 전달 받았습니다. 비정상 트래픽을 이유로 서버가 일시 중지-Suspend 상태가 되었으며, 원인 파악이 완료된 이후에 정상화될 예정이라고 합니다. 이와 관련해서 서버 업체와 내용을 주고 받고 있고, 만약 트래픽 문제가 지속될 경우 다른 예비 서버를 이용할 계획입니다. 상황의 진행과 변화에 따라 안내드리겠습니다. Hello my exile friend, this is DeadlyCrush. First of all current DeadlyTrade version works properly at 3.12 Heist league. Hotfix. O Fixed ninja function error related to new items. O New item is registered at ninja site, it download that image once. Therefore, Ninja function work properly regardless of data of new league item or ninja site data from now on. O Reset configuration file to fix that trade notifications, overlays, etc. are not displayed in proper location due to different location calculation logic. Next notice will be new version release with something additional new thing that can not announce at this moment. Thank you.
O 신규 아이템들과 관련된 닌자 기능 오류가 수정되었습니다.
O 닌자 사이트에 신규 아이템이 등록되면 새롭게 등록된 아이템의 이미지를 한번 다운로드 받도록 보완하였습니다. 따라서, 이제부터는 리그별 새로운 아이템이나 닌자 사이트의 데이터와 관계없이 정상 동작합니다. O 위치 계산이 달라져서 거래 알림, 오버레이 등이 제 위치에 표시되지 않는 문제 해결을 위해 환경설정을 초기화하였습니다. 다음 안내글은 신규 버전과 현재는 공개할 수 없는 무언가의 릴리즈 소식과 함께 찾아뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다. DeadlyTrade Overhaul version. Temporary version before new version release. DeadlyTrade Temporary Released. [Current situation & work in progress.]
I really apologize for delay until now without another announce after release schedule notice.
Due to the specificity of the development company's work, sometimes happens to find old man;; in urgent situations like service abort. I couldn't keep my promise because I had to handle last important company's service abort. But, I've kept work to finishing for new version release that you're waiting for. Nevertheless, I found a few problem below and I don't have enough personal time to fix it, so I will finish it through weekend from Friday afternoon. 1. Fix errors due to harvest & heist league price checking problems. 2. Unknown error related to integrated launcher to ensure no waiting in the new league with additional logic. 3. Finishing something additional new thing that can not announce at this moment. Therefore, all other features are available normally in the current version, but some function below had problem. I've released the current version not new version by modifying only two function below. 1. The NINJA quotient verification function with errors in the new league is made available by adding data from the current league. 2. Other unspecified errors that misbehaved in the new league I'm sorry to all DeadlyTrade users who are waiting, but I've spent almost all my personal time to finish release when occurred delayed situation past 2 years, even if I can't sleep. Also I'm going to do it this time. I emptied my personal schedule from Friday to Sunday and asked for my family's understanding. So, if not company's service down or not serious that I have to handle it, DeadlyTrade new version release will be possible this weekend, a week later than schedule that I announced. I know there are some problem when new league start that are inconvenient and waiting new version release, and I'm sorry to users who waiting and new version solving these problem and including additional features. And thank you so much for your support and encouragement even if in this situation. Next notice will be new version release with something additional new thing that can not announce at this moment. Thank you. [ KOREAN ]
공지 후 별다른 안내없이 현재까지 지연되서 대단히 죄송합니다.
개발회사의 업무 특성상 서비스 장애 등 긴급한 상황에서 노인을 찾을 때가 종종 발생합니다. 중요 서비스에서 제가 직접 손을 대야 하는 상황이 있어서 약속을 지키지 못했습니다. 하지만 기다리시는 신규 버전 릴리즈를 위해 마무리 작업을 틈틈히 진행하였습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아래의 문제점을 발견하였고 수정할 개인 시간이 부족하여 금요일 오후부터 주말작업을 통해 처리할 예정입니다. 1. 가격 확인 기능에서 수확 및 강탈 리그 문제로 인한 오류 수정. 2. 새로운 리그에서도 기다림이 없도록 하기 위한 통합 런쳐와 관련된 부가 로직에서의 오류 수정. 3. 현재는 공개할 수 없는 부가적인 어떤 것의 마무리 작업. 따라서 현재 버전에서 다른 모든 기능은 사용가능하지만 일부 사용이 문제가 되었던, 아래의 두가지만 수정하여 신규 버전이 하닌 현재 버전을 릴리즈 하였습니다. 1. 신규 리그에서 오류가 있는 NINJA 시세 확인 기능을 현재 리그의 데이터를 추가하여 사용 가능하도록 한 것. 2. 그 외 신규 리그에서 오동작하는 불특정 오류 기다려주시는 데들리트레이드 사용자분들께 죄송합니다만, 2년여 동안 그래왔듯이 이런 상황에서는 잠을 못자더라도 개인 시간을 거의 모두 할애해서 처리해왔고 이번에도 그럴 계획입니다. 금요일부터 일요일까지 개인 일정을 비우고 가족에게 양해를 구하였습니다. 그러므로 회사의 비상 장애가 심각해서 제가 직접 손을 대야하는 상황이 아니라면 금주 주말 즉, 안내드린 일정보다 1주일 늦어진 상태로 데들리트레이드의 신규 버전의 릴리즈가 가능할 것입니다. 새로운 리그가 시작될 때 몇몇 불편하고 신규 버전을 기다리는 문제가 있다는 것을 알고 있고, 이런 문제를 해결하고 추가 기능이 들어간 새버전을 기대하고 계신 분들께 묵묵히 기다려주셔서 죄송한 마음입니다. 그리고, 이런 상황에서도 응원과 격려를 보내주시는 분들께 너무나 감사드립니다. 다음 안내글은 신규 버전과 현재는 공개할 수 없는 무언가의 릴리즈 소식과 함께 찾아뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다. Keep grinding~! ♡ cheers, gl&hf all of you. Thanks. ▶ Download ㅇ 업데이트(Update) File : ㅇ 전체 Full Version : ▶ Source, Introduce & Guide/Manual, Contact
[ Source, Introduce & Guide/Manual ]
Introduce & small guide > ● 데들리트레이드 버전 기준 각 기능 소개 및 설명 영상 : ● 동영상 Clip DeadlyTrade Overhaul Version : ● 한글 : ● English : KOREAN.
안녕하세요 데들리크러쉬입니다 😄.
다가오는 Harvest 3.11 리그에 대비해서 애드온 업데이트를 준비하고 있습니다. 그리고 Vulkan 지원과 가격확인 기능 외에 몇 가지 새로운 기능들을 업데이트 예정입니다. Vulkan 때문에 로직과 코드를 50% 이상 바꾼 상태입니다. COVID-19로 인해서 일부 업무 환경이 바뀌어서, 마나님과 POE를 달리기도하고, 애드온 업데이트 후에 설명을 드리기 위해서 스트리밍 환경을 연습하고 있습니다. 😄 저는 즐거운 시간을 보내고 있습니다. COVID-19 상황이 안정되기를 바라구요, 여러분 모두항상 건강하시고 좋은 하루 보내시길 기윈합니다. 디스코드(의 진행 중인 작업 채널에서 애드온 업데이트 진행에 대한 세부 사항을 안내드리겠습니다. 모든분들께 감사드립니다 🙏 😊
Private >
○ Twitter - ○ Discord - DeadlyCrush#7202 ○ Blog - ○ Facebook - ○ Reddit - Funny Project > ○ GitHub - ○ Azure - Media > ○ Twitch - ○ Youtube - DeadlyTrade / Deadly KOR Team > ○ Discord - ○ Site - ○ KAKAO Open Talk - ![]() (*2020.03.18) Hello Exile this is DeadlyCrush. I introduce a DeadlyTrade trade helper add-on. DeadlyTrade for Path Of Exile - (Overhaul Version) Trade Notification, Functional Overlay, Flask&Skill Timer, Map&Region Information, Real-Time Ninja Currency, Act Helper when Leveling and other useful functions. * TMI : about GGG's TOS in all my add-ons
This beta-version was released 1year ago. And version was released when DAUM KAKAO POE launched at June, 2019.
DeadlyTrade user is over 20K in Korean POE Communities. As you can see, github downloads are over 139K + 3.8K. ( You can see real-time status here and at Github ) And above all, I did not make or add anything against GGG's TOS in all my add-ons including this one. ▶ DeadlyTrade Overhaul version introduction and brief guide video. *
- [Guide][DeadlyTrade User Manual - Based on verion.]
. ENGLISH 영문 : . KOREAN 한글 : - [Thread][GGG official website DeadlyTrade Posting : Editing when every update ] * Real-Time ▶ Download You can download the addon from page. Extract the contents of the zip file into a folder and run DeadlyTrade.exe. ▶Main HUD After you launch the addon, you should see the main HUD pop up in game. You can lock/unlock the UI location by pressing the Lock at the top right. The image above explains what each button does. ![]() ▶ Auto Update
![]() ▶ Auto Detect.
- User's POE Client Path.
- Detect GGG Client & KAKAO Client. - User's POE UI Language setting. - User's Screen resolution. - User's POE Flask and Skill key binding. - All information auto change by detected UI Language : ENG/KOR ▶ Trade whisper notification Support Korean and English.You can customize notification panel buttons.
Provide clipboard parsing when Kakao user buying that can be useful for kakao user. Find item by position function can be useful for who struggle with other languages message not Eng. Also deadlytrade can parse and pop panel when trade whisper by ggg user even if kakao user set default trade message language to Korean.
- Color Change : BUY/SELL - Show Grid when Click Notification panel. - Show current Ninja currency ratio. - Convenience default button : Visit hideout, invite, trade request, kick/leave and etc... - Can use user customize 7 buttons. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ▶ Automatic Grid Automatically detect and display the grid in the item window.
![]() ▶ Find by X,Y Position You can use this button when you get a trading message from a Kakao user or from someone using a different language. You can input the coordinates in the trading message as shown below and find the item requested.
![]() ▶ Chat Scanner Allows you to scan the trade chat. Works when the trade chat channel is activated.
![]() ▶ Ninja Prices You can use this button to check prices and convert currency values.
○ You can choose the league on the upper-left combo-box. ○ ‘Refresh’ button will re-import Poe.Ninja data of the exact time you click it. Refeshed time will be displayed on ‘Last Checked’. ○ It might take a little time to ‘Refresh’ or change the league, as informations in 19 different categories get re-imported. ○ Using the search box above the list in the middle, you can search items. Supports English and Korean search. ○ Enter the name of the item to search and press Enter, or click ‘=?’ button to select the item in the list, and the item will be highlighted. ○ By entering ea(amount) under the search box, the Chaos and Exalted orb value will appear depending on the selected item and its amount. ex) Search vaal orb → Automatically selected → Change the amount to 350 and press Enter → 147.00 Chaos orbs / 0.92 Exalted orbs ![]() ▶ Flask Timer, Skill Timer With timer toggle buttons, you can turn flask timer (1,2,3,4,5) and skill timer (Q,W,E,R,T) on and off. Changes will be immediately applied after clicking the button. Automatically detect POE key bindings.
![]() ▶ Settings Default Hot Keys (Can change in Settings)
- Hideout : F5
- Emergency : CTRL+SCACE - Find item by Position (X,Y) : CTRL+P - Monster Remaining : F2 - Syndicate Overlay : F3 - Incursion Overlay : F6 - Atlas, Pantheon Overlay : F7 - Flask & Skill Timer : Auto detect your In-Game Option. Use this button to access settings to change hot keys, customize buttons, and set flask times.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ▶ Search Maps You can search maps by region using this button. If you have your stash open it will automatically search for the selected region/map. - It is advised to use this feature with your stash open. - Click a region to search all the maps in the region and display them on the list below.
![]() ![]() ![]() ▶ Labyrinth You can use this button to open up the lab overlay. You can choose which lab and press launch overlay to open that day’s lab with the data from You can then resize it the way you like.
![]() ▶ Act Helper Act helper is especially useful when you want to reroll or speedrun at league start. It will tell you where to go for waypoints and every step from Act 1 to Act 10. You no longer have to alt tab to look at a leveling guide and you can use this for a faster playthrough.
- UI will be displayed in Korean or English, by automatically checking your UI configurations. - Some maps with updated layouts do not have their changes reflected. In that case, please focus on the quest and instructions on the Act helper. - Some maps with no informations at all or maps that do not need detailed instructions to go through, will not display images. ![]() ![]() ![]() ▶ Cache file sorting utility : Cache File Cleaner Everytime you run POE, ‘minimap’ and ‘shader’ cache files stack. Too much of these could cause a performance degradation. Cache File Cleaner deletes every cache files older than 3 days.
![]() ▶ POE Command Opens up the UI for some useful commands as you can see. You can toggle it on/off with this button.
![]() ▶ Path Of Exile game configuration backup & restoration Feature that allows you to make a backup of Path Of Exile game configurations and restore them.
![]() ▶ Overlay : Syndicate You can access detailed syndicate information using this button or the hotkeys if you have them enabled.
![]() ▶ User Custom Overlay You can change overlay image to your custom image in settings.
![]() ▶ Chromatic Calculator You can calculate how many chromatic orbs you will need on average in order to get the sockets you want using this tool.
![]() ▶ Oil Anointments Information You can get information about Oil Anointments for rings, amulets and maps. You can either put the oils yourself to see what enchant you get or you can search for it using the search bar.
![]() ▶ Overlay : Atlas Information You can get information about the atlas using this button as shown below.
![]() ▶ OVerlay : The Temple of Atzoatl You can get information about rooms in the temple using this button or the hotkeys if you have them enabled. (English on the left side, Korean on the right)
![]() ▶ Overlay : Fossil Inform. Fossil Information.
![]() ▶ Miscellaneous functions
Remaining monsters count hotkey is F2 by default, and is configurable in the settings.
More than 50 monsters are displayed as 50+. ![]() Automatic feature that works in the hideout. When somebody enters the hideout, a panel with the character’s name is displayed for about a second, like the picture above. It is more useful during a trade. ![]() - * Moving stash tab by CTRL+MOUSE WHEEL ▶ Performance
You can disable any feature you don’t want to use while launching the add-on and the app uses very little resources, around 50-80mb Ram which is around 1 tab in Chrome. It has no effect on GPU and even when receiving data from, the effects on the CPU usage is very minimal and will not cause any performance issues.
DeadlyTrade is made based on 1920×1080 Windows Fullscreen Path of Exile. You can find other resolution’s config files in the installation folder.
Does the trading UI work with Kakao Users? No, it does not. Unfortunately right now there is no way to read messages from Kakao Client users with an addon because of legal/ToS issues. I am getting a warning when i try to install. Are you trying to hack my computer? No, we are not. To prevent that warning from popping up we need to buy a license, which costs a lot of money. You can run the files through an antivirus if you wish to be safe about it. (Which you should, never trust a stranger on the internet.) I got a suggestion/problem, how can i contact you? You can contact us via discord and github. We would be happy to listen to you. ▶ How to fix : Error by high security protection
Hello, this is DeadlyCursh.
I received a few bug-report and I was checked and figured out those case with reported user's log and configuration. Thank you for all users. If you have repeated error please download " (Size 1.62Mb)" and unzip files. And overwrite that to installed folder. download " (Size 1.87Mb)" that contains lastest exe and defualt configuration file if you necessory. exe or dll could be deleted by high security protection recently. So if in this case you should temporary pause virus protection program when download/extract. After that re-check downloaded files whether virus detected or not. Thank you all. Exile. gl & hf. reference. > "When downloading or launching the program, you might get some warnings from your security or anti-virus program caused by missing licenses and signatures. I will add an international signature to fix that. SSH Certification is accepted and is being prepared for Code Signing. It will be done before next update." Update server, agile board, build passing, issue tracking and etc. all use my personal servers. Also international certification is delaying as it is conducted as an individual. I will proceed international certification ASAP. ▶ Let me know Any Bug, Any Suggestion Issue Tracking : Added Zap auto trigger that pulling new github issue to our Jira agile board for effective maintenance.
![]() ▶ Build Passing, License, Contributor etc... I got "Build Passing" with Travis CI, AppVeyor and other Sites. Travis CI and the others are hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test projects hosted at GitHub.
Travis CI and the others are automatically detects when a commit has been made and pushed to a GitHub repository that is using their pipeline and each time this happens, it will try to build the project and run tests. Especially considering the increasing number of add-ons, this should have a positive effect for everyone.
- Github Actions CI Passed. Real-Time connected. - AppVeyor CI Passed. Real-Time connected. - CI Passed. Real-Time connected. - Azure Pipelines Passed. Real-Time connected. - Travis CI Passed. Real-Time connected. * Addition 1: Added License and Contributor Covenant, so we can work together under the License MIT and Contributor Covenent. * Addition 2: When downloading or launching the program, you might get some warnings from your security or anti-virus program caused by missing licenses and signatures. I will add an international signature to fix that. SSH Certification is accepted and is being prepared for Code Signing. It will be done before next update. This is my personal certification that i obtained and will be used for code signing. ![]() ▶ Work in progress
- Price checking throgh the pathofexile trade.
- Set priority User request and will be reflect. - English will be default UI from now on. - Separating Korean and English menu and alert message language resources. - Adding user suggestions' function to reflect by priority. - Continuing development of core new features that were already planned. ▶ Join our community & Welcome Contributors Welcome * Real-Time All Exile~ and Developers. ▶ History. It started from inspired Mercurytrade when I made and share Korean version of Mecurytrade.
Addon name 'DeadlyTrade' also inspired by 'MercuryTrade' including my respect to great exslims mercury trade ("Deadly"Crush + Mercury"Trade"). But All of my add-ons including this, DeadlyTrade, started empty handed, completely on my own and It comply with ggg's TOS.
I released DeadlyTrade beta version After the Mid-June, 2019 official launch of Kakao client. I forked and made Mercury Trade KOR version with Korean UI and every functions for Korean user and shared until great Exslims no longer maintain officially. I managed MercuryTrade KOR and Improving DeadlyTrade over and over. And I prepared overhaul version after Exslim said officially that he will does not maintain. - DeadlyTrade Overhaul Version Released Feb,2020 - DeadlyTrade Renewal Version Started Jan,2020 - DeadlyTrade Started and Sharing April,2019 - POEExileDirection coverted to DeadlyTrade in new empty Project 1year ago. - MercuryTrdae(Exslims) All Korean UI&Functions Version Jun,2019 until Exslims no longer maintain officially. ▶ Special Thanks to Since the Korean launch of Path Of Exile, Localizing existing add-on programs affected me in many aspects. MercuryTrade, TradeMacro, POE Compass, Lab Compass, TradeForPoe, CurrencyCop, Exilence and many more... All are such an amazing and inspiring examples that I can't thank enough. Thank you Exile. gl & hf ![]() Last edited by eocsdev#2016 on Jun 15, 2021, 2:11:11 PM Last bumped on Jun 15, 2021, 2:05:29 PM
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For what you need our MAC?
Last edited by Bukowina#1446 on Mar 15, 2020, 8:57:38 PM
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" Internal IPAddress can be duplicate so I added MacAddress. This information planned and will use next new feature that prevent blacklist can't use add-on. Next blacklist feature use for trade notification too. Also those information will use for Kakao client user's trade whisper between add-on users next new feature if user set processid. As you know this add-on source is fully open in Github. Ref. 'Unlike GGG client, Kakao client users confirmed their private informations, so they do not leave any informations of their chat in the log files, due to the Korean private informations policy.' |
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this looks wonderful
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" Thanks you. :) There are a few little bug that noticed by user's bug-report in discord and github issue. I will fix asap when after work. You can check status in discord and github. Thanks. |
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Good job, exile) But what about getting ban for this? Thanks. |
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" This beta-version was released 1year ago. And version was released when DAUM KAKAO POE launched at June, 2019. DeadlyTrade user is over 20K in Korean POE Communities. As you can see, github downloads are over 139K + 3.9K. And above all, I did not make or add anything against GGG's TOS in all my add-ons including this one. Thanks you. :) Last edited by eocsdev#2016 on Mar 17, 2020, 4:58:15 AM
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how can i turn off the notification of me buying thing from others?
btw, deadly trade is very nice! |
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" Thank you for your kind words. I will update a few interesting features and bug fix including your suggestion, which is some user requested. Sorry for my bad English. As you know I'm Korean :) Thanks gl & hf |
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just tried it out today, and i have to admit i am impressed with all the features included - great job my friend!
the Act-helper section does unfortunately not work for me. it just display the top and bottom bar, with no pictures and the quest text (i assume?) is only displayed in korean (i play with the english steam client). keep up the good work! |
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